Games and Entertainment

gnuboy-sdl - Nintendo GameBoy Color emulator (SDL version)

gnuboy (all lowercase) is a portable program for emulating the Nintendo
GameBoy Color software platform. gnuboy is Free Software, distributed
under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Our goal is to provide
a great emulator that runs on many platforms and is accessible for
everyone's enjoyment.

This is the SDL version.
License:GPLv2 Group:Games and Entertainment
URL: Source: gnuboy


Name Version Release Type Size Built
gnuboy-sdl 1.0.3 13.fc10 ppc64 0 Bytes Sun Aug 3 20:35:32 2008


* Thu Jul 31 00:00:00 2008 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora [AT] leemhuis [DOT] info - 1.0.3-13
- rebuild for buildsys cflags issue
* Sat Oct 6 00:00:00 2007 Andrea Musuruane <musuruan{%}gmail{*}com> 1.0.3-12
- bumping release to be higher than freshrpms (RPM Fusion merge)
- changed license due to new Fedora guidelines
- removed %{?dist} tag from changelog
* Tue May 1 00:00:00 2007 Andrea Musuruane <musuruan{%}gmail{*}com> 1.0.3-5
- patch to force the definition of __s64 does not apply to x86_64

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.modified.1