Packages not in Groups

autopano-sift-C - SIFT feature detection

This package provides an implementation of the SIFT algorithm and a set of
utilities to utilize the algorithm to match two or more images.  The output is
created as project file for the hugin panorama stitching software.
License:GPLv2 Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: autopano-sift-C


Name Version Release Type Size Built
autopano-sift-C 2.4.1 0.2.20080220svn.fc10 ppc64 0 Bytes Sun Aug 3 17:40:35 2008


* Mon Aug 4 00:00:00 2008 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora [AT] leemhuis [DOT] info - 2.4.1-0.2.20080220svn
- rebuild
* Wed Feb 20 23:00:00 2008 Bruno Postle <bruno{%}postle{*}net> 2.4.1-0.1.20080220svn
- update from SVN, 2.4.1 pre-release
  - new cmake build system, new tool autopano-sift-c
* Sat Jan 19 23:00:00 2008 Bruno Postle <bruno{%}postle{*}net> 2.4-5.20080102svn
- put README.fedora on SOURCES, change post-release versioning slightly

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