A voice crackles in Calvin's radio: "Enemy fighters at two o'clock!" "Roger. What should I do until then?"

primary server load:13.85 11.55 9.27
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:8384 (IPv6 2070)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 1249.94 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

62482.77 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.28 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
27.50 TB transmitted yesterday
20.32 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2025-01-24

<2025-01-23 | overall |



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 70.5275 % 13.44 TB
11.16 TB1351652
epel 9.0377 % 1.72 TB
601.19 GB395303
ubuntu 3.3009 % 644.29 GB
104.59 GB395576
linuxmint.com 3.1802 % 620.74 GB
19.57 KB77150
opensuse 2.7184 % 530.61 GB
1.70 GB401184
rocky 2.6692 % 521.00 GB
162.90 GB259394
centos-stream 2.4083 % 470.07 GB
294.42 GB91892
debian 1.0723 % 209.31 GB
80.59 GB224130
mapsforge 0.8648 % 168.80 GB
0.00 Bytes3365
tdf 0.6079 % 118.65 GB
8.37 MB6028
gentoo 0.4724 % 92.20 GB
46.15 GB40712
scientific 0.4687 % 91.48 GB
0.00 Bytes25729
OpenBSD 0.3835 % 74.86 GB
73.89 GB418
almalinux 0.3729 % 72.80 GB
8.37 GB83403
undef 0.2887 % 56.35 GB
4.10 KB337045
tanglu 0.2696 % 52.63 GB
0.00 Bytes122055
hirensbootcd.org 0.2220 % 43.33 GB
0.00 Bytes35350
archlinux 0.1693 % 33.05 GB
23.27 GB2372
Mageia 0.1591 % 31.06 GB
5.65 GB3839
alpine 0.1098 % 21.43 GB
0.00 Bytes26434
kde 0.0789 % 15.39 GB
4.45 MB1892
fedora-secondary 0.0653 % 12.75 GB
0.00 Bytes4530
rpmfusion.org 0.0629 % 12.27 GB
35.71 MB83384
parrotsec 0.0567 % 11.07 GB
0.00 Bytes12197
eclipse 0.0540 % 10.54 GB
0.00 Bytes36776
mariadb 0.0448 % 8.74 GB
0.00 Bytes99894
pcbsd 0.0404 % 7.88 GB
0.00 Bytes3055
gnu 0.0389 % 7.58 GB
810.31 KB2653
sourceware.org 0.0373 % 7.28 GB
520.47 MB11296
raspbian 0.0340 % 6.63 GB
2.94 GB14743
archive.rpmfusion.org 0.0262 % 5.12 GB
55.20 MB59737
repoforge 0.0251 % 4.91 GB
379.55 MB33337
openmandriva 0.0214 % 4.17 GB
156.60 MB2376
redhat 0.0158 % 3.08 GB
2.27 MB16525
kernel.org 0.0149 % 2.91 GB
2.70 GB368
aurox 0.0140 % 2.73 GB
0.00 Bytes4159
download.mapsforge.org 0.0133 % 2.60 GB
2.60 GB1
FreeBSD 0.0099 % 1.93 GB
1.93 GB34
packages.linuxmint.com 0.0059 % 1.16 GB
1.16 GB2
CPAN 0.0056 % 1.10 GB
423.09 MB47468
postgresql 0.0050 % 1004.07 MB
0.00 Bytes1690
wikipedia 0.0037 % 733.08 MB
0.00 Bytes5
dag 0.0035 % 709.20 MB
145.38 MB2079
gnome 0.0029 % 581.51 MB
128.20 MB4947
redhat archive 0.0026 % 524.35 MB
0.00 Bytes2935
suse 0.0025 % 495.33 MB
0.00 Bytes377
debian-multimedia 0.0020 % 399.40 MB
0.00 Bytes2239
gnupg 0.0015 % 304.97 MB
312.58 KB902
atrpms 0.0013 % 257.12 MB
370.47 KB3178
info 0.0012 % 249.62 MB
0.00 Bytes5083
auroralinux 0.0012 % 230.46 MB
59.30 KB2044
apache 0.0011 % 229.82 MB
0.00 Bytes1535
mandriva 0.0005 % 95.09 MB
0.00 Bytes238
proftpd 0.0004 % 83.97 MB
0.00 Bytes89
openvz 0.0004 % 78.54 MB
0.00 Bytes725
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0003 % 52.84 MB
0.00 Bytes17866
CCC 0.0002 % 48.82 MB
0.00 Bytes58
mozilla 0.0002 % 39.64 MB
0.00 Bytes26
eldk 0.0002 % 33.81 MB
0.00 Bytes61
xfree86 0.0001 % 24.50 MB
2.91 MB278
fedora.us 0.0001 % 23.03 MB
0.00 Bytes72
gimp 0.0001 % 19.39 MB
0.00 Bytes169
turnkeylinux 0.0001 % 13.79 MB
0.00 Bytes2175
nimblex 0.0001 % 12.32 MB
0.00 Bytes9
openoffice 0.0001 % 11.25 MB
142.66 KB112
rootlinux 0.0001 % 10.07 MB
0.00 Bytes330
tuxmas 0.0000 % 6.16 MB
0.00 Bytes4
freshrpms.net 0.0000 % 2.96 MB
1.73 MB335
ietf 0.0000 % 2.64 MB
0.00 Bytes62
polippix 0.0000 % 2.16 MB
0.00 Bytes5
ccux-linux.de 0.0000 % 1.43 MB
0.00 Bytes15
phprojekt 0.0000 % 1.40 MB
0.00 Bytes5
ximian 0.0000 % 1.39 MB
0.00 Bytes225
centos 0.0000 % 691.57 KB
209.52 KB296
impi 0.0000 % 585.07 KB
0.00 Bytes9
livna 0.0000 % 575.98 KB
404.94 KB75
percomp 0.0000 % 443.45 KB
0.00 Bytes18
openssl 0.0000 % 375.76 KB
0.00 Bytes37
debian-backports 0.0000 % 317.75 KB
21.84 KB51
fuduntu 0.0000 % 124.92 KB
0.00 Bytes37
netscape 0.0000 % 99.50 KB
0.00 Bytes52
centos-altarch 0.0000 % 72.38 KB
494.00 Bytes50
limux 0.0000 % 21.99 KB
0.00 Bytes3
neooffice.org 0.0000 % 4.23 KB
0.00 Bytes1
selfhtml 0.0000 % 1.58 KB
0.00 Bytes1
knoppix 0.0000 % 1.22 KB
0.00 Bytes2
RSYNC12.54 TB12.54 TB15931
FTP6.35 GB6.35 GB2239
HTTP6.52 TB0.00 Bytes4349793
Total19.06 TB12.54 TB4367963

Client Distribution Map 2025-01-24
RSYNC Distribution Map 2025-01-24

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Page creation time: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 10:33:52 GMT