- HandBrake - An open-source multiplatform video transcoder
- VirtualBox - A general-purpose full virtualizer for PC hardware
- VirtualBox-kmod - Kernel module for VirtualBox
- audacious-plugins-freeworld - Additional plugins for the Audacious media player
- audacity-freeworld - Multitrack audio editor
- cairo-dock-freeworld - Light eye-candy fully themable animated dock
- cinelerra-gg - A non linear video editor and effects processor
- cmus - Ncurses-Based Music Player
- compat-ffmpeg4 - Digital VCR and streaming server
- dhewm3 - Dhewm's Doom 3 engine
- dvdstyler - Cross-platform DVD authoring application
- ffmpeg - Digital VCR and streaming server
- flowblade - Multitrack non-linear video editor for Linux
- gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld - GStreamer 1.0 streaming media framework "bad" plug-ins
- gstreamer1-plugins-ugly - GStreamer 1.0 streaming media framework "ugly" plug-ins
- jellyfin - The Free Software Media System
- kodi-inputstream-adaptive - Adaptive file addon for Kodi's InputStream interface
- libheif-freeworld - HEVC support for HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder
- ltris - Game of skill with falling blocks
- mesa-freeworld - Mesa graphics libraries
- mixxx - Mixxx is open source software for DJ'ing
- mock-rpmfusion-free - Mock config files for the RPM Fusion Free Repository
- motion - A motion detection system
- mp3diags - Find and fix Problems in MP3 Files
- mpc-qt - A clone of Media Player Classic reimplemented in Qt
- mpd - The Music Player Daemon
- mythtv - A digital video recorder (DVR) application
- obs-studio-freeworld - Open Broadcaster Software Studio -- Freeworld plugins
- pipewire-codec-aptx - PipeWire Bluetooth aptX codec plugin
- ppsspp - A PSP emulator
- python-ffmpeg-normalize - Normalize audio via ffmpeg
- python-ffmpeg-progress-yield - Run an ffmpeg command with progress
- qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld - Qt5 - QtWebEngine components (freeworld version)
- rfpkgdb-cli - A CLI for pkgdb
- rpmfusion-free-appstream-data - Appstream metadata for the RPM Fusion free repository
- rpmfusion-free-obsolete-packages - A package to obsolete retired packages from rpmfusion-free
- shotcut - A free, open source, cross-platform video editor
- telegram-desktop - Telegram Desktop official messaging app
- tg_owt - WebRTC library for the Telegram messenger
- v4l2loopback - Utils for V4L2 loopback devices
- v4l2loopback-kmod - Kernel module (kmod) for v4l2loopback
- vcmi - Heroes of Might and Magic 3 game engine
- vdr-burn - DVD writing plugin for VDR
- vdr-markad - Advanced commercial detection for VDR
- vdr-mp3 - Sound playback plugin for VDR
- vdr-mpv - A mpv player plugin for VDR
- vdr-plex - A Plex Client for the VDR
- vdr-skindesigner - A VDR skinning engine that displays XML based Skins
- vdr-softhddevice - A software and GPU emulated HD output device plugin for VDR
- vdr-tvguideng - TvGuideNG is a highly customizable 2D EPG viewer plugin
- vdr-weatherforecast - A VDR plugin which provides a weather forecast
- vdr-xineliboutput - Plugins for watching VDR over Xine
- vlc-plugins-freeworld - AAC, H.264, and HEVC codec plugins for VLC media player
- x265 - H.265/HEVC encoder
- xmltv - A set of utilities to manage your TV viewing
- xmms2-freeworld - Plugins for XMMS2 that cannot be included in Fedora
- xpra-codecs-freeworld - Additional codecs for xpra using x264 and ffmpeg
- xroar - A Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo emulator
- xt7-player-mpv - Qt/Gambas gui to mpv media player
- xtables-addons - Extensions targets and matches for iptables
- xtables-addons-kmod - Kernel module (kmod) for xtables-addons