Help Topics: Notepad Help

Working with Text
	Finding specific characters or words
	Deleting, cutting, copying, and pasting text
Adding the Time and Date to Documents
	Inserting the time and date in a document
	Keeping a log by using Notepad

To find specific characters or words

1 On the Search menu, click Find.

2 In the Find What box, type the characters or words
  you want to find.

3 Click Find Next.

To delete, cut, copy, and paste text

* To delete characters to the left of the insertion 
  point, press the BACKSPACE key. 

* To delete characters to the right of the insertion 
  point, press the DELETE key.

* To delete words, select them, and then press the 

* To cut text so you can move it to another location, 
  select the text. Then, on the Edit menu, click Cut. 

* To copy text so you can paste a copy of it in another 
  location, select the text. Then, on the Edit menu, 
  click Copy. 

* To paste text you have cut or copied, place the 
  insertion point where you want to paste the text. 
  Then, on the Edit menu, click Paste.

To insert the time and date in a document

1 Move the insertion point to where you want to add the
  time and date.

2 On the Edit menu, click Time/Date.


To keep a log by using Notepad

1 On the first line of a Notepad document, type the 
  following at the left margin, making sure you include 
  the period:


2 Save the document.


* Every time you open this document, Notepad will append
  the current time and date, as specified by your
  computer's clock, to the end of it.
