This CD-ROM image created using: ELTORITO.SYS
as the primary DOS CD-ROM driver
Multiboot Disk Emulator and Dos CD-Rom driver
(c) 2000-2001 by Gary Tong and Bart Lagerweij

Please visit http://www.nu2.nu/ for more information.
To contact Bart Lagerweij: http://www.nu2.nu/contact/bart

ELTORITO.SYS v1.4 is copyright 2000-2002, Bart Lagerweij
(1) ELTORITO.SYS from Bart's page titled 
    "Eltorito.sys - Hardware independent Dos CD-Rom device driver",
(2) ELTORITO.SYS created by "Bart Lagerweij",
(3) and may be found at the following URL - http://www.nu2.nu/eltorito/

Please read NU2LIC.EN (available with the other LICENSES)
for complete license information.

From http://www.nu2.nu/eltorito/:
" What is Eltorito.sys?

  Eltorito.sys is a Dos CD-Rom device driver for use in making
  PC-bootable CD-Roms that (should) boot on any interface 
  (Atapi and SCSI). Eltorito.sys will only work when your CD-Rom
  is in "no emulation" mode, it will not work in floppy or 
  harddisk emulation mode! To get your CD-Rom in "no emulation" 
  you must use some bootstrap loader, like isolinux.bin or 

August 23, 2002