These instructions are for installing from an existing Linux system.

1) Be root
2) Be in the tomsrtbt-<version> directory
3) Have a blank floppy with no bad sectors
4) Do './Install.s'

The script assumes you have ELF and that your 3.5" 1.44M floppy is on fd0.
If you have an a.out system, you can still use it, but you'll have to have
'fdformat' from the util-linux package and do it manually.  I included the
ELF binary here.  You have to use fdformat, it won't fit on in 1.44 MB.
As far as I can tell, all 1.44 drives support 1.722 just fine.  The script
uses mknod to create /dev/fd0u1722 if you don't have it already.

If you use / glibc, you might need something like:
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/i486-linux-libc5/lib ./fdformat /dev/fd0H1722

Let me know what problems you have and what features you would like added.