# all nodes can read/use the products declared in this db
# all product roots are under the following:
PROD_DIR_PREFIX = /fnal/ups/prd
# keep statistics about the following products:
# (uncomment to get stats!)
# STATISTICS = ups:upd:perl
# manpages, info files, get copied here:
MAN_TARGET_DIR = /fnal/ups/man
CATMAN_TARGET_DIR = /fnal/ups/catman
# INFO_TARGET_DIR = /fnal/ups/Info
# automatic html and news processing not yet supported
# HTML_TARGET_DIR = /dev/null
# NEWS_TARGET_DIR = /dev/null
# this db contains the ups product;
# copy the setups.[c]sh and cached files to this directory:
SETUPS_DIR = /fnal/ups/etc
# this db contains the upd product;
# look for the upd configuration and user callouts here:
UPD_USERCODE_DIR = /fnal/ups/db/.updfiles