# ChangeLog for media-libs/libgroove # Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # (auto-generated from git log) *libgroove-4.3.0 (20 Aug 2015) 20 Aug 2015; Diogo Pereira <sir.suriv@gmail.com> +files/libgroove-4.3.0_GNUInstallDirs.patch, +files/libgroove-4.3.0_cflags.patch, +libgroove-4.3.0.ebuild, +metadata.xml: new ebuild Gentoo-Bug: 558190 24 Aug 2015; Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> metadata.xml: Use https by default Convert all URLs for sites supporting encrypted connections from http to https Signed-off-by: Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> 24 Aug 2015; Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org> metadata.xml: Revert DOCTYPE SYSTEM https changes in metadata.xml repoman does not yet accept the https version. This partially reverts eaaface92ee81f30a6ac66fe7acbcc42c00dc450. Bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/552720 24 Jan 2016; Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> metadata.xml: Unify quoting in metadata.xml files for machine processing Force unified quoting in all metadata.xml files since lxml does not preserve original use of single and double quotes. Ensuring unified quoting before the process allows distinguishing the GLEP 67-related metadata.xml changes from unrelated quoting changes. 24 Jan 2016; Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> metadata.xml: Replace all herds with appropriate projects (GLEP 67) Replace all uses of herd with appropriate project maintainers, or no maintainers in case of herds requested to be disbanded. 24 Jan 2016; Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> metadata.xml: Set appropriate maintainer types in metadata.xml (GLEP 67) *libgroove-4.3.0-r1 (07 Nov 2016) 07 Nov 2016; David Seifert <soap@gentoo.org> -libgroove-4.3.0.ebuild, +libgroove-4.3.0-r1.ebuild: update dependencies Allow building with >=media-libs/libebur128-1.2, which no longer has the speex USE flag. Closes: https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/2766 Signed-off-by: David Seifert <soap@gentoo.org>