Target Communication Framework Services - Stack Trace

Stack Trace Service

Version History

Version Date Change
0.1 2008-01-10 Initial contribution
1.2 2013-07-12 New command: getChildrenRange. Stack frame property "Level" is replaced with "Index".
1.3 2015-05-20 Fixed description of getChildrenRange. New properties: CodeArea and FuncID.
1.8 2023-08-15 Fixed description of CodeArea and FuncID.


The service implements thread stack back tracing. Command and event parameters are encoded as zero terminated JSON strings.

The service uses standard format for error reports, see Error Report Format.


Get Context

C • <token> • StackTrace • getContext • <array of context IDs><array of context IDs>
    ⇒ null
    ⇒ [ ]
    ⇒ [ <context ID list> ]

<context ID list><string: context ID><context ID list> , <string: context ID>

The command retrieves context info for given context IDs. Command allows to query multiple contexts at once. Stack Trace context represents single stack frame. If target supports more then one stack per thread, each stack is also represented by a separate context.


R • <token><array of context data><error report><array of context data>
    ⇒ null
    ⇒ [ ]
    ⇒ [ <context data list> ]

<context data list><context data><context data list> , <context data>

<context data>
    ⇒ null
    ⇒ <object>

Context data object should, at least, contain member "ID" : <string>. Context data is expected to be cached by clients. Cached context data should by flushed when parent thread is resumed.

Predefined stack trace context properties are:

Get Children

C • <token> • StackTrace • getChildren • <string: parent context ID>

The command retrieves stack trace context ID list. Parent context usually corresponds to an execution thread. Some targets have more then one stack. In such case children of a thread are stacks, and stack frames are deeper in the hierarchy - they can be retrieved with additional getChildren commands.

The command will fail if parent thread is not suspended. Client can use Run Control service to suspend a thread.


R • <token><error report><array of context IDs>

<array of context IDs>
    ⇒ null
    ⇒ [ ]
    ⇒ [ <context ID list> ]

<context ID list><string: context ID><context ID list> , <string: context ID>

Get Children Range

C • <token> • StackTrace • getChildrenRange • <string: parent context ID><int: range start><int: range end>

The command retrieves a range of stack trace context IDs. Parent context usually corresponds to an execution thread.

Note: to allow partial and incremental stack tracing, IDs ordering in the range is reversed relative to getChildren command order. For example, range 0..1 represents last two stack frames: current frame (top of the stack) and previous one.

The command will fail if parent thread is not suspended. Client can use Run Control service to suspend a thread.

Reply: same as Get Children reply.


No events are currently defined for Stack Trace service.


 * Stack Trace service implements thread stack back tracing.
 * @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
public interface IStackTrace extends IService {

     * This service name, as it appears on the wire - a TCF name of the service.
    static final String NAME = "StackTrace";

     * Stack frame context property names.

    static final String PROP_ID = "ID";

     * Stack frame property:
     * String, stack frame parent ID.
    static final String PROP_PARENT_ID = "ParentID";

     * Stack frame property:
     * String, stack frame process ID.
    static final String PROP_PROCESS_ID = "ProcessID";

     * Stack frame property:
     * String, human readable name.
    static final String PROP_NAME = "Name";

     * Stack frame property:
     * Boolean, true if the frame is top frame on a stack.
    static final String PROP_TOP_FRAME = "TopFrame";

     * Stack frame property:
     * Integer, stack frame index, starting from stack top (current frame).
     * @since 1.2
    static final String PROP_INDEX = "Index";

     * Stack frame property:
     * Boolean, true if the frame data was computed using symbols info,
     * false or not set if the data was collected using stack crawl logic.
     * @since 1.2
    static final String PROP_WALK = "Walk";

     * Stack frame property:
     * Number, stack frame memory address.
    static final String PROP_FRAME_ADDRESS = "FP";

     * Stack frame property:
     * Number, return address.
    static final String PROP_RETURN_ADDRESS = "RP";

     * Stack frame property:
     * Number, instruction pointer.
    static final String PROP_INSTRUCTION_ADDRESS = "IP";

     * Stack frame property:
     * Integer, number of function arguments.
    static final String PROP_ARGUMENTS_COUNT = "ArgsCnt";

     * Stack frame property:
     * Number, memory address of function arguments.
    static final String PROP_ARGUMENTS_ADDRESS = "ArgsAddr";

     * Stack frame property:
     * ILineNumbers.CodeArea - source code location of the frame.
     * @since 1.3
    static final String PROP_CODE_AREA = "CodeArea";

     * Stack frame property:
     * String - function symbol ID.
     * @since 1.3
    static final String PROP_FUNC_ID = "FuncID";

     * Stack frame property:
     * Integer, stack frame level, starting from stack bottom
     * @deprecated, use "Index" property.
     * Note: "Index" is counted from the top of the stack, while "Level" is counted from the bottom.
    static final String PROP_LEVEL = "Level";

     * Retrieve context info for given context IDs.
     * The command will fail if parent thread is not suspended.
     * Client can use Run Control service to suspend a thread.
     * @param id - array of context IDs.
     * @param done - call back interface called when operation is completed.
    IToken getContext(String[] id, DoneGetContext done);

     * Client call back interface for getContext().
    interface DoneGetContext {
         * Called when context data retrieval is done.
         * @param error - error description if operation failed, null if succeeded.
         * @param context - array of context data or null if error.
        void doneGetContext(IToken token, Exception error, StackTraceContext[] context);

     * Retrieve stack trace context ID list.
     * Parent context usually corresponds to an execution thread.
     * Some targets have more then one stack. In such case children of a thread
     * are stacks, and stack frames are deeper in the hierarchy - they can be
     * retrieved with additional getChildren commands.
     * Stack frames are ordered from stack bottom to top.
     * The command will fail if parent thread is not suspended.
     * Client can use Run Control service to suspend a thread.
     * @param parent_context_id - parent context ID.
     * @param done - call back interface called when operation is completed.
    IToken getChildren(String parent_context_id, DoneGetChildren done);

     * Retrieve a range of stack trace context IDs.
     * Parent context usually corresponds to an execution thread.
     * Note: to allow partial and incremental stack tracing, IDs ordering in
     * the range is reversed relative to getChildren command order.
     * For example, range 0..1 represents last two stack frames:
     * current frame (top of the stack) and previous one.
     * The command will fail if parent thread is not suspended.
     * Client can use Run Control service to suspend a thread.
     * @param parent_context_id - parent context ID.
     * @param range_start - start of the range (inclusive).
     * @param range_end - end of the range (inclusive).
     * @param done - call back interface called when operation is completed.
     * @since 1.2
    IToken getChildrenRange(String parent_context_id, int range_start, int range_end, DoneGetChildren done);

     * Client call back interface for getChildren() and getChildrenRange().
    interface DoneGetChildren {
         * Called when context ID list retrieval is done.
         * @param error - error description if operation failed, null if succeeded.
         * @param context_ids - array of available context IDs.
        void doneGetChildren(IToken token, Exception error, String[] context_ids);

     * StackTraceContext represents stack trace objects - stacks and stack frames.
     * @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
    interface StackTraceContext {

         * Get Context ID.
         * @return context ID.
        String getID();

         * Get parent context ID.
         * @return parent context ID.
        String getParentID();

         * Get context name - if context represents a stack.
         * @return context name or null.
        String getName();

         * Get memory address of this frame.
         * @return address or null if not a stack frame.
        Number getFrameAddress();

         * Get program counter saved in this stack frame -
         * it is address of instruction to be executed when the function returns.
         * @return return address or null if not a stack frame.
        Number getReturnAddress();

         * Get address of the next instruction to be executed in this stack frame.
         * For top frame it is same as PC register value.
         * For other frames it is same as return address of the next frame.
         * @return instruction address or null if not a stack frame.
        Number getInstructionAddress();

         * Get number of function arguments for this frame.
         * @return function arguments count.
        int getArgumentsCount();

         * Get address of function arguments area in memory.
         * @return function arguments address or null if not available.
        Number getArgumentsAddress();

         * Get code area that describes source code location of the frame.
         * If null, client should use LineNumbers service to find frame source location.
         * @return code area or null.
         * @since 1.3
        ILineNumbers.CodeArea getCodeArea();

         * Get function symbol ID.
         * If null, client should use Symbols service to find function symbol ID.
         * @return function symbol ID or null.
         * @since 1.3
        String getFuncID();

         * Get complete map of context properties.
         * @return map of context properties.
        Map<String,Object> getProperties();