Target Communication Framework Services - PathMap

Memory Service

Version History

Version Date Change
0.0 2012-07-22 Initial documentation based on source code


The service manages file path translation across systems. Command and event parameters are encoded as zero terminated JSON strings.

The service uses standard format for error reports, see Error Report Format.



C • <token> • PathMap • get •

The command retrieves file path mapping rules.


R • <token><error report><array of path map rules><array of path map rules>
    ⇒ null
    ⇒ [ <path map rules list> ]

<path map rules list><object: path map rule><path map rules list> , <object: path map rule>

Predefined path map rule properties are:


C • <token> • PathMap • set • [ <path map rules list> ] •

<path map rules list><object: path map rule><path map rules list> , <object: path map rule>

The command set file path mapping rules.


R • <token><error report>


PathMap service broadcasts notification events when path mappings are changed.

E • PathMap • changed •


 * IPathMap service manages file path translation across systems.
 * @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
public interface IPathMap extends IService {

     * This service name, as it appears on the wire - a TCF name of the service.
    static final String NAME = "PathMap";

     * Path mapping rule property names.
    static final String
        /** String, rule ID */
        PROP_ID = "ID",

        /** String, source, or compile-time file path */
        PROP_SOURCE = "Source",

        /** String, destination, or run-time file path */
        PROP_DESTINATION = "Destination",

        /** String, symbols context group ID or name, deprecated - use ContextQuery */
        PROP_CONTEXT = "Context",

        /** String, contexts query, see IContextQuery */
        PROP_CONTEXT_QUERY = "ContextQuery",

        /** String, */
        PROP_HOST = "Host",

        /** String, file access protocol, see PROTOCOL_*, default is regular file */
        PROP_PROTOCOL = "Protocol";

     * PROP_PROTOCOL values.
    static final String
        /** Regular file access using system calls */
        PROTOCOL_FILE = "file",

        /** File should be accessed using File System service on host */
        PROTOCOL_HOST = "host",

        /** File should be accessed using File System service on target */
        PROTOCOL_TARGET = "target";

     * PathMapRule interface represents a single file path mapping rule.
    interface PathMapRule {

         * Get rule properties. See PROP_* definitions for property names.
         * Properties are read only, clients should not try to modify them.
         * @return Map of rule properties.
        Map<String,Object> getProperties();

         * Get rule unique ID.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_ID)
         * @return rule ID.
        String getID();

         * Get compile-time file path.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_SOURCE)
         * @return compile-time file path.
        String getSource();

         * Get run-time file path.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_DESTINATION)
         * @return run-time file path.
        String getDestination();

         * Get host name of this rule.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_HOST)
         * @return host name.
        String getHost();

         * Get file access protocol name.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_PROTOCOL)
         * @return protocol name.
        String getProtocol();

         * Get context query that defines scope of the mapping rule, see also IContextQuery.
         * Same as getProperties().get(PROP_CONTEXT_QUERY)
         * @return context query expression, or null.
        String getContextQuery();

     * Retrieve file path mapping rules.
     * @param done - call back interface called when operation is completed.
     * @return - pending command handle.
    IToken get(DoneGet done);

     * Client call back interface for get().
    interface DoneGet {
         * Called when file path mapping retrieval is done.
         * @param error - error description if operation failed, null if succeeded.
         * @param map - file path mapping data.
        void doneGet(IToken token, Exception error, PathMapRule[] map);

     * Set file path mapping rules.
     * @param map - file path mapping rules.
     * @param done - call back interface called when operation is completed.
     * @return - pending command handle.
    IToken set(PathMapRule[] map, DoneSet done);

     * Client call back interface for set().
    interface DoneSet {
         * Called when file path mapping transmission is done.
         * @param error - error description if operation failed, null if succeeded.
         * @param map - memory map data.
        void doneSet(IToken token, Exception error);

     * Add path map event listener.
     * @param listener - path map event listener to add.
    void addListener(PathMapListener listener);

     * Remove path map event listener.
     * @param listener - path map event listener to remove.
    void removeListener(PathMapListener listener);

     * Service events listener interface.
    interface PathMapListener {

         * Called when path map changes.
        void changed();