Letter X

x264-devel - Development files for the x264 library

Website: https://www.videolan.org/developers/x264.html
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
x264 is a free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams, written from

This package contains the development files.


x264-devel-0.159-10.20200409git296494a.fc32.i686 [34 KiB] Changelog by Sérgio Basto (2020-07-06):
- Fix detection of gpac try 2
x264-devel-0.159-10.20200409git296494a.fc32.x86_64 [33 KiB] Changelog by Sérgio Basto (2020-07-06):
- Fix detection of gpac try 2

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-9.fc26