Letter M

mp4tools - A free cross-platform tool to manipulate MP4 files

Website: http://www.mp4joiner.org
License: GPLv2
Vendor: RPM Fusion
MP4Tools is a collection of cross-platform free tools to manipulate MP4 files.
It contains following applications:
⦁ MP4Joiner is a free application that allows join multiple MP4 files into one
⦁ MP4Splitter is a free application that allows split a MP4 file in multiple


mp4tools-3.7-5.fc29.i686 [240 KiB] Changelog by Martin Gansser (2019-02-10):
- Add RR wxsvg-1.5.16 fixes (rfbz#5166).
mp4tools-3.7-5.fc29.x86_64 [237 KiB] Changelog by Martin Gansser (2019-02-10):
- Add RR wxsvg-1.5.16 fixes (rfbz#5166).

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-9.fc26