Letter V

vcmi - Heroes of Might and Magic 3 game engine

Website: https://vcmi.eu/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
The purpose of VCMI project is to rewrite entire Heroes 3.5: WoG engine from
scratch, giving it new and extended possibilities. It will help to support
mods and new towns already made by fans but abandoned because of game code

In its current state it already supports maps of any sizes, higher
resolutions and extended engine limits.


vcmi-0.99-2.fc28.aarch64 [3.9 MiB] Changelog by Miro Hrončok (2018-03-04):
- Add mods for extra resolutions
- Add %check with desktop file checking
- Require hicolor-icon-theme and don't own the hicolor dirs
- Fix dos line ends
- Change description and summary
- Use cmake and make macros
- Exclude files instead of not terminating build on unpackaged files
- Add Patch1 for Boost 1.66 compatibility
- Split noarch data into a subpackage
- Own /usr/share/vcmi/ and /usr/lib64/vcmi/

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-9.fc26