
rpmfusion-packager - Tools for setting up a rpmfusion maintainer environment

Website: https://github.com/rpmfusion-infra/rpmfusion-packager
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
rpmfusion-packager provides a set of utilities designed to help a RPM Fusion
packager in setting up their environment and access the RPM Fusion


rpmfusion-packager-0.6.0-1.fc27.src [24 KiB] Changelog by Sérgio Basto (2017-04-25):
- New release version 0.6.0 .
- Fix one issue with recent koji, by explictely using authtype
  ssl in the rpmfusion.conf config file.
- Remove old CVS scripts (for old rpmfusion infrastruture), cvs requirement
  from rpmfusion-packager package and clean-up cvs scripts from makefile.
- Add rfabipkgdiff script and some requirements to run it.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-8.fc24