Sound and Video

mythtv-frontend - Client component of mythtv (a DVR)

License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2 and (GPLv2 or QPL) and (GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+)
Vendor: RPM Fusion
MythTV provides a unified graphical interface for recording and viewing
television programs.  Refer to the mythtv package for more information.

This package contains only the client software, which provides a
front-end for playback and configuration.  It requires access to a
mythtv-backend installation, either on the same system or one
reachable via the network.


mythtv-frontend-0.27.4-2.fc21.i686 [8.3 MiB] Changelog by Richard Shaw (2014-11-03):
- Update to latest bugfix release, 0.27.4.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el5