Games and Entertainment

bubbros - Bub and Brothers game inspired by the classic Bubble and Bobble

License: MIT and Artistic Licenses
Vendor: RPM Fusion
This is a direct clone of the MacOS game Bub & Bob of McSebi. Thanks Sebi for
all the cool graphics and sounds!


    * 1 to 10 players -- the best fun is with at least 3 players!
    * Same gameplay as the famous McSebi's Bub & Bob.
    * Over-the-network game and/or up to 3 players on the same computer.
    * Completely original crazy bonuses!
    * Capture other players in a bubble!
    * New levels, including a random level generator!


bubbros-1.6-8.fc19.i686 [10.7 MiB] Changelog by Nicolas Chauvet (2013-03-03):
- Mass rebuilt for Fedora 19 Features

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el5