Games and Entertainment

arcem - Highly portable Acorn Archimedes emulator

License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
ArcEm is a Acorn Archimedes A400 hardware emulator that is highly portable. As
it's a hardware emulator it's capable of running multiple operating systems
including RISC OS 3.XX and ARM Linux. ArcEm requires either a RISC OS 3.XX or
ARM Linux ROM to fully function. Only the Linux ROM can be legally included.


arcem-1.50-1.fc19.i686 [396 KiB] Changelog by Andrea Musuruane (2013-01-02):
- Updated to 1.50
- Specfile update and cleanup
- Dropped archs no longer supported by Fedora/RPM Fusion
- Used MacOS X icns instead of the Windows ico

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el5