Lars Wirzenius < wirzeniu@iki.fi>; 撰寫這份文件的第一版, 而目前是由 Michael K. Johnson < johnsonm@redhat.com> 所維護的. 如果你對於這份文件有任何問題請告訴我.
如果您對中譯版有任何問題請與 黃志偉 < cwhuang@phys.ntu.edu.tw> 聯繫.
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The content of this document is placed in the public domain, but if you quote it, please be polite and attribute your source.
Lars Wirzenius <wirzeniu@iki.fi> wrote the first version of this document; it is now maintained by Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm@redhat.com>. Mail me if you have any questions about this document.