Copyright (c) 1998 by David S. Lawyer. Please freely copy and distribute (sell or give away) this document. You may create derivative works and distribute them provided you:
I. For the case of minor changes and corrections where there exists a
current maintainer:
Send your proposed changes to the current maintainer first. You may
distribute (per II. below) only if the current maintainer neglects to
incorporate your changes in a timely manner. If the changes are only
to correct typos, you need not wait for a reply from the maintainer
before you distribute.
II. In all other cases:
If certain words are trademarks, the context should make it clear to whom they belong. For example "MS Windows" (or just "Windows") implies that "Windows" belongs to Microsoft (Micro$oft).
Much of the info in this HOWTO was obtained from Serial-HOWTO, the Internet, sales clerks, etc. and may be unreliable. While I haven't intentionally tried to mislead you, there are likely a number of errors in this document. Please let me know about them. Since this is free documentation, it should be obvious that neither I nor previous authors can be held legally responsible for any errors.
请告诉我你的种种想法. 但首先注意, 如果你手中的版本是一个月以前的, 请看是否有新版本.
此 HOWTO 第一个版本, 0.00, 我甚至没有看书: PnP 体系结构, 也并不完全理解 PnP. 也没有比较二个把 Linux 变成 PnP 操作系统的补丁的不同. 我不会充分解释 BIOS 如何设置 PnP(更不要说补丁如何做了). 此 HOWTO 是不完整的并且可能不正确(假如我错了, 请告诉我). 在此 HOWTO 中我使用 ?? 来表示我不知道答案. 你想改进(重写)和维护此 HOWTO 吗? 我正在找人.
此 HOWTO 的新版本可以在 LDP 的镜像站点上找到. 首先看 http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/mirrors.html, 当你找到一个近的镜像站点後, 点击 "Linux Documentation Project" (LDP), 在其它格式 HOWTO 中找. 如果你仅仅想知道最新版本的日期, 你不必使用镜像站点, 看 http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Plug-and-Play-HOWTO.html 即可.