v0.1 - 09 Ianoyarioy 1999 - Simos 3enitellhs - Arxikh Ekdosh
v0.2 - 24 Ianoyarioy 1999 - Simos 3enitellhs - Mikres allages
v0.3 - 14 Febroyarioy 1999 - Simos 3enitellhs - Mikres allages
v0.4 - 24 Febroyarioy 1999 - Simos 3enitellhs - Prwth dhmosieysh sto Hellug (http://www.hellug.gr)
v0.5 - 15 Ioynioy 1999 - Simos 3enitellhs - Genikh ana8ewrhsh, pros8hkh KDE, Gnome
v0.6 - 22 Ioynioy 1999 - Simos 3enitellhs - Dior8wseis apo thn anadrash, pros8hkh newn metafrasewn
v0.7 - 24 Ioylioy 1999 - Simos 3enitellhs - Pros8hkh newn metafrasewn, pros8hkh listas programmatwn dia8esimwn gia metafrash, pros8hkh plhroforiwn gia to Lyx, pros8hkh listas me dia8esimoys ana8ewrhtes, pros8hkh listas me ekkremothtes, trexoysa yposthrijh ellhnikwn apo ekdoseis toy Linux, mikres dior8wseis
v0.8 - 25 Ioylioy 1999 - Simos 3enitellhs - Mikres allages
v0.9 - 21 Aygoustoy 1999 - Simos 3enitellhs - Pros8hkh topo8esias shadow utils
To NLS (National Language Support) einai mia dynatothta poy mporei na prosferei ena programma outws wste na kanei dynath thn emfanish olwn twn mhnymatwn kai symbolwn poy blepei o telikos xrhsths sthn topikh toy glwssa. Dhladh, prosferei poluglwssh yposthrijh sta programmata me ena arketa boliko kai diafanes tropo. Ektos apo ta mhnumata, mporei na xrhsimopoih8ei gia thn apeikonish ths topikhs nomismatikhs monadas, ths topikhs wras, toy topikou symboloy diaxwrismou toy akeraioy meros apo to dekadiko kai alla. Sto paron ejetazoyme to tmhma poy afora th metafrash twn mhnymatwn sta ellhnika.