[ 6 January 1998 The Linux DHCPd mini-HOWTO is not being maintained by the author any more. If you are interested in maintaining the DHCPd mini-HOWTO, please get in touch with me at . ] Linux DHCPD mini-HOWTO by Paul Makeev v1.2, 24 June 1997 1. Introduction DHCP is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is used to control vital networking parameters of hosts (running clients) with the help of server (running, suprise!, server daemon). DHCP is backward compatible with BOOTP. For more information see RFC 2131 (old RFC 1531) and other. (See Internet Resources section at the end of the document). This mini-HOWTO is about DHCP _SERVER_ daemon. There is DHCP _client_ daemon for Linux, which is not described here. You can find _client_ package at: Primary-site: ftp.kobe-u.ac.jp /pub/PC-UNIX/Linux/network/dhcp 32kB dhcpcd-0.65.tar.gz Alternate-site: sunsite.unc.edu /pub/Linux/system/network/daemons 32kB dhcpcd-0.65.tar.gz 2. DHCPD server for Linux. There is several DHCP servers available for U*X-like OSes, both commercial and free. I have success with Paul Vixie/ISC DHCPD. I used Beta-5.0.9, and now use 5.0.14. These are both not Linux-specific versions, but they flawlessly compile and work (not so flawlessly). You can get latest software at: http://www.isc.org/dhcp/dhcp-beta.html (It is not updated yet, however) or, the latest version for now: ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/dhcp/DHCPD-BETA-5.16.tar.gz There is no distributions of DHCP on ftp.vix.com now. They are moved to ftp.isc.org. NB!!! READ CAREFULY the README file before compiling and installing. It contains Linux-specific info. 3. Kernel configuration. You should have MULTICAST enabled in kernel. Of course, TCP/IP networking should be enabled also :-) 4. Configuration. ifconfig -a should say smth like: eth0 Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet HWaddr 00:C0:4F:D3:C4:62 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:2875542 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 TX packets:218647 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 Interrupt:11 Base address:0x210 If there is no "MULTICAST" letters, you should reconfigure your kernel to add multicast support (and reboot, of course). You don't need to do anything else to enable multicasting. You should have "netstat -rn" saying: dhcps:~$ netstat -rn Kernel routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UH 0 0 101 eth0 i.e., you should have multicast routing to your ethernet interface. 5. Problems with multicast. If your "route add -host eth0" command says smth like " Unknown host", try adding host with this address to /etc/hosts file, and issue "route add -host hostname eth0" instead. It should work. If not, get newer Networking utils and/or upgrade kernel version. 6. DHCPD configuration. Read the included docs. It's too complicated to discuss here. 7. Can i run DHCPD on machine with two or more Ethercards? According to dhcpd mailing list, newest stable kernal, 2.0.31 could work with newest version of DHCPD (5.0.15) to support more than one interface. According to dhcp-server mailing list, Linux 2.0.31 have SO_BINDTODEVICE code, which makes it possible to distinguish raw interfaces, thus newer DHCPD could work on two interfaces in Linux. This feature, however, is _extremely BETA_. I didn't check it yet, but will do it and place success information into next version of howto. PLEASE! Don't ask me where to get kernel 2.0.31. It is unofficial pre-patch at the time this document was created. 8. Dynamic DNS. There is a proposed DNS and DHCP server integration mechanisms to enable dynamic DNS. You can read RFC 2136 and 2137. Several DHCP and DNS servers could have proprietary mechanisms to update DNS information. BIND v.8, which supports dynamic updates, is developed by ISC also, and i hope DHCPD and BIND would be integrated in short time. BIND v.8 URL: http://www.isc.org/bind.html. I wrote a Python program, which automates adding host to DHCP and DNS tables. If you want more info on it, write me (mac@rosprint.net). It is not RFC-compliant, but does dirty work. 9. Internet Resources: http://www.isc.org/dhcp.html ISC DHCP home page. You can get a lot of information here. This is my favorite site. http://www.isc.org/bind.html BIND v.8 information. http://www-leland.stanford.edu/%7Ellurch/win95netbugs/faq-c.html A comprehensive list of setting for Windows-95. http://www.bucknell.edu/~droms/dhcp/index.html Very good FAQ on DHCP, a lot of links. By Ralph Droms. http://web.syr.edu/~jmwobus/comfaqs/dhcp.faq.html Good general DHCP FAQ. A lot of info, lists of resources. By John Wobus. Mailing lists: dhcp-server@fugue.com - list discussing ISC/Vixie DHCPD. dhcp-v4@bucknell.edu - list discussing bucknell DHCPD