User Contributed Perl Documentation	     lib::Text::Macros(3)

NAME - an object-oriented text macro engine

     use Text::Macros;

      #	poetic:
      my $macro_expander = new Text::Macros qw(	{{ }} );
      $text = expand_macros $macro_expander $data_object, $text;

      #	noisy:
      $macro_expander =	Text::Macros->new( "\Q[[", "\Q]]", 1 );
      print $macro_expander->expand_macros( $data_object, $text	);

     Typical usage might look like this:

      my $template = <<EOF;
	To: [[ RecipientEmail ]]
	From: [[ SenderEmail ]]
	Subject: Payment Past Due on Account # [[ AccountNum ]]

	Dear [[	RecipientName ]]:
	Your payment of	[[ PaymentAmount ]] is [[ DaysPastDue ]] days past due.

      #	get a data object from somewhere, e.g.:
      my $data_object =	$database->get_record_object( 'acctnum'	=> $account_num	);

      #	make a macro expander:
      my $macro_expander = Text::Macros->new( "\Q[[", "\Q]]" );

      #	expand the macros in the template:
      my $email_text = $macro_expander->expand_macros( $data_object, $template );

     To	support	this, a	"data object" would need to exist which
     would need	to define methods which	will be	used as	macro
     names, e.g. like this:

      package RecordObject;
      sub RecipientEmail { $_[0]->{'RecipientEmail'} }
      sub SenderEmail	 { $_[0]->{'SenderEmail'}    }
      sub AccountNum	 { $_[0]->{'AccountNum'}     }
      sub RecipientName	 { $_[0]->{'RecipientName'}  }
      sub PaymentAmount	 { $_[0]->{'PaymentAmount'}  }
      sub DaysPastDue	 { $_[0]->{'DaysPastDue'}    }

     Alternatively, the	data object class might	have AUTOLOAD
     defined, for example like this:

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User Contributed Perl Documentation	     lib::Text::Macros(3)

      package RecordObject;
      sub AUTOLOAD {
       my $self	= shift;
       my $name	= $AUTOLOAD;
       $name =~	s/.*:://;

     If	this is	the case, then the macro expander should be
     instructed	not to assert that the macro names encountered
     are valid for the object -- since CAN might fail, even
     though the	calls will be handled by AUTOLOAD.  To do this,
     pass a true value for the third value to the constructor:

      my $macro_expander = Text::Macros->new( "\Q[[", "\Q]]", 1	);

     Macros can	take arguments.	 Any strings which occur inside
     the macro text after the macro name will be passed	as
     arguments to the macro method call.  By default, the macro
     name and any arguments are	all separated by newlines.  You
     can override this behavior; see the documentation of
     parse_args, below.


      $macro_expander =	new Macros qw( {{ }} );

      print $macro_expander->expand_macros( $cgi_query,
	"You entered {{	param
	 Name }} as your name."

     This will replace the substring

      {{ param
      Name }}

     with the result of	calling


     (Obviously	this example is	a little contrived.)


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User Contributed Perl Documentation	     lib::Text::Macros(3)

     The Constructor

      Text::Macros->new( $open_delim, $close_delim, $no_CAN_check, $parse_args_cr );

     The delimiters are	regular	expressions; this gives	you the
     greatest power in determining how macros are to be	detected
     in	the text.  But it means	that if	you simply want	them to
     be	considered literal strings, then you must quotemeta them.

     Since the macro expander will be calling object methods, you
     have an option:  do you want any encountered macro	names to
     be	required to be valid for the given object?  Or do you
     have some kind of autoloading in effect, which will handle
     undefined methods?

     If	you have some kind of autoloading, pass	a true value for
     the third argument	to new().  If you want the expander to
     assert CAN	for each method, pass false (the default).

     The fourth	argument, $parse_args_cr, is a reference to a sub
     which implements your macro argument parsing policy.  See
     the section on parse_args,	below.

     The Main Method: Expand Macros

      $text = $macro_expander->expand_macros( $data_object, $text );

     The $data_object argument is not an object	of the Macros
     package.  Rather, this is the object upon which the macro
     will be called as a method.

     expand_macros() returns the result	of replacing all the
     macros it finds with their	appropriate expansions.	 Note
     that recursion can	occur; that is,	if the expansion of a
     macro results in text which also contains a valid macro,
     that new macro will also be expanded.  The	text will be
     scanned for macros, and those macros will be expanded, until
     none are found.

     A Utility Method: Call Macro

      $macro_expander->call_macro( $data_object, $macro_name, @arguments );

     This is used internally by	expand_macros(), but you can call
     it	directly if you	wish.

     Essentially all this does is this:

      $macro_expander->call_macro( $data_object, $macro_name, @arguments );

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User Contributed Perl Documentation	     lib::Text::Macros(3)

     results in	the call:

      $data_object->$macro_name( @arguments );

     All the macros supported by the data object can be
     predefined, or you	might have some	kind of	autoloading
     mechanism in place	for it.	 If you	have autoloading in
     effect, you should	have passed a true value as the	third
     argument to new().	 If you	pass false (the	default), the
     call_macro() will check to	see that the object CAN	do the
     method; and if it can't an	exception will be thrown.

     Note: data	objects' macro methods must return a string.
     They can take any number of arguments, which will all be

     Parsing the Macro Arguments: parse_args

     This is used internally by	expand_macros().

     expand_macros tries to call the sub which was passed by
     reference as the fourth argument to new(),	if there was one.
     If	no such	coderef	was given to the constructor, then
     expand_macros calls the parse_args	method in the
     Text::Macros class, which implements the default behavior of
     splitting the arg text on newlines, triming off
     leading/trailing whitespace, and then dropping any	list
     elements which are	'' (empty strings).

     To	implement some behavior	other than the default,	you may
     derive a class from Text::Macros which overrides parse_args.
     The parse_args method takes the Text::Macros object
     reference as the first arg	(as usual), and	the macro text as
     the second	argument.  This	is all the text	between	the
     delimiters, as it occurs in the template text.  This method
     is	responsible for	extracting the macro name and the values
     of	any arguments from the macro text.  It is advisable that
     the parse_args routine strip any leading and trailing
     whitespace	from the argument values.  (It happens
     automatically for the macro name, though, so you needn't
     worry about that.)


      package MyMacroParser;
      @ISA = qw( Text::Macros );
      sub parse_args {
	 my( $self, $macro_text	) = @_;
	 # return a list of args extracted from	$macro_text...

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User Contributed Perl Documentation	     lib::Text::Macros(3)

     And then, of course, you would instantiate	a MyMacroParser
     rather than a Text::Macros.  Everything else about	its usage
     would be identical.

     If	you prefer, you	can redefine the Text::Macros::parse_args
     sub directly. That	might look something like this:

      *Text::Macros::parse_args	= sub {
	 my( $self, $macro_text	) = @_;
	 # return a list of args extracted from	$macro_text...

     Alternatively, you	may pass a code	reference as the fourth
     argument to new().	 The arguments to and results from this
     sub are the same as for the parse_args method, as described
     above, even though	it is not (necessarily)	a method itself.

     The precedence is this: if	a sub was passed to new(), that
     is	called;	if not,	the parse_args() of the	derived	class is
     called, if	defined; if not, the parse_args() of the base
     class (Text::Macros) is called.

     Brief examples of all these usage techniques can be found in
     the test script,, which accompanies this
     distribution.  Any	questions can be directed to the author
     via email.

AUTHOR (John Porter)

     This module is free software; you may redistribute	it and/or
     modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

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