Class::Facade - interface to one or more delegates

        use Class::Facade;

        my $facade = Class::Facade->new({
            method1 => sub { ... },
            method2 => [ $class, $method, $arg1, $arg2, ... ],
            method3 => [ $object, $method, $arg1, $arg2, ... ],
            method4 => {
                class  => 'My::Delegate::Class',
                method => 'method_name',
                args   => [ $arg1, $arg2, ... ],
            method5 => {
                object => $object,
                method => 'method_name',
                args   => [ $arg1, $arg2, ... ],

        $facade->method1($more_args1, ...);
        $facade->method2($more_args2, ...);
        # ...etc...

    This module implements a simple facade class, allowing you to create
    objects that delegate their methods to subroutines or other object or
    class methods.

    To create a delegate object, simply call the new() constructor passing
    a reference to a hash array describing the methods and their delegates.
    Each key in the hash specifies a method name for your facade object.
    Each value specifies the delegate target and should be a reference to a
    subroutine, list or hash array. 

    In the case of a list, the elements in the list should be a class name
    or object reference followed by a method name and a list of any
    arguments that you want passed to the method when it is called. Any
    additional arguments that the caller of the facade method specifies
    will also be passed.

    In the case of a hash, the 'class' or 'object' element specifies a
    class name or object references, the 'method' element names the
    class/object method to be called and 'args' is an optional reference to
    a list of arguments as above.

    The Class::Facade constructor creates accessor methods in the module's
    symbol table. One important side effect of this is that all methods
    defined will be created for all object of the same class. For this
    reason it is recommended that you create your own facade modules which
    are subclass from Class::Facade.

        package My::Facade::One;
        use base qw( Class::Facade );

        package My::Facade::Two;
        use base qw( Class::Facade );

        package main;
        my $one = My::Facade::One->new({ ... });
        my $two = My::Facade::Two->new({ ... });

    Andy Wardley <>

    Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.

    This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.