Class::Accessor::Grouped - Lets you build groups of accessors

    This class lets you build groups of accessors that will call different
    getters and setters.

    Arguments: $group, @fieldspec
        Returns: none

    Creates a set of accessors in a given group.

    $group is the name of the accessor group for the generated accessors;
    they will call get_$group($field) on get and set_$group($field, $value)
    on set.

    If you want to mimic Class::Accessor's mk_accessors $group has to be
    'simple' to tell Class::Accessor::Grouped to use its own get_simple and
    set_simple methods.

    @fieldspec is a list of field/accessor names; if a fieldspec is a scalar
    this is used as both field and accessor name, if a listref it is
    expected to be of the form [ $accessor, $field ].

    Arguments: $group, @fieldspec
        Returns: none

    Creates a set of read only accessors in a given group. Identical to
    "mk_group_accessors" but accessors will throw an error if passed a value
    rather than setting the value.

    Arguments: $group, @fieldspec
        Returns: none

    Creates a set of write only accessors in a given group. Identical to
    "mk_group_accessors" but accessors will throw an error if not passed a
    value rather than getting the value.

    Arguments: $group, $field
        Returns: $sub (\CODE)

    Returns a single accessor in a given group; called by mk_group_accessors
    for each entry in @fieldspec.

    Arguments: $group, $field
        Returns: $sub (\CODE)

    Returns a single read-only accessor in a given group; called by
    mk_group_ro_accessors for each entry in @fieldspec.

    Arguments: $group, $field
        Returns: $sub (\CODE)

    Returns a single write-only accessor in a given group; called by
    mk_group_wo_accessors for each entry in @fieldspec.

    Arguments: $field
        Returns: $value

    Simple getter for hash-based objects which returns the value for the
    field name passed as an argument.

    Arguments: $field, $new_value
        Returns: $new_value

    Simple setter for hash-based objects which sets and then returns the
    value for the field name passed as an argument.

    Arguments: $field
        Returns: $value

    Simple getter for Classes and hash-based objects which returns the value
    for the field name passed as an argument. This behaves much like
    Class::Data::Accessor where the field can be set in a base class,
    inherited and changed in subclasses, and inherited and changed for
    object instances.

    Arguments: $field, $new_value
        Returns: $new_value

    Simple setter for Classes and hash-based objects which sets and then
    returns the value for the field name passed as an argument. When called
    on a hash-based object it will set the appropriate hash key value. When
    called on a class, it will set a class level variable.

    Note:: This method will die if you try to set an object variable on a
    non hash-based object.

    Arguments: $field
        Returns: $value

    Gets the value of the specified component class.

        __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('component_class' => 'result_class');


        ## same as

    Arguments: $field, $class
        Returns: $new_value

    Inherited accessor that automatically loads the specified class before
    setting it. This method will die if the specified class could not be

        __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('component_class' => 'result_class');


    Returns a list of 'parent' or 'super' class names that the current class
    inherited from.

    You can speed up accessors of type 'simple' by installing

    Matt S. Trout <> Christopher H. Laco

    groditi: Guillermo Roditi <> ribasushi: Peter Rabbitson
    <> Jason Plum <>

    Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Matt S. Trout <>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as perl itself.