NAME ore ABSTRACT Sugar for Perl 5 one-liners SYNOPSIS BEGIN { $ENV{New_File_Temp} = 'ft'; } use ore; $ft # "File::Temp" DESCRIPTION This package provides automatic package handling and object instantiation based on environment variables. This is not a toy, but it's also not a joke. This package exists because I was bored, shut-in due to the COVID-19 epidemic of 2020, and inspired by new and the ravings of a madman (mst). Though you could use this package in a script it's meant to be used from the command-line. new-example Simple command-line example using env vars to drive object instantiation: $ New_File_Temp=ft perl -More -e 'dd $ft' # "File::Temp" use-example Another simple command-line example using env vars to return a Data::Object::Space object which calls children and returns an arrayref of Data::Object::Space objects: $ Use_DBI=dbi perl -More -e 'dd $dbi->children' # [ # ..., # "DBI/DBD", # "DBI/Profile", # "DBI/ProfileData", # "DBI/ProfileDumper", # ..., # ] arg-example Here's another simple command-line example using args as env vars with ordered variable interpolation: $ perl -More -E 'dd $pt' New_File_Temp=ft New_Path_Tiny='pt; $ft' # /var/folders/pc/v4xb_.../T/JtYaKLTTSo etc-example Here's a command-line example using the aforementioned sugar with the ever-awesome Reply repl: $ New_Path_Tiny='pt; /tmp' reply -More 0> $pt # $res[0] = bless(['/tmp', '/tmp'], 'Path::Tiny') AUTHOR Al Newkirk, LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file" <>. PROJECT Wiki <> Project <> Initiatives <> Milestones <> Contributing <> Issues <>