POE::Component::IRC 1.0b README                  Sat Jan 13 16:53:08 PST 2001

Table of Contents

1.  Introduction
2.  Availability
3.  Prerequisites
4.  Installation
5.  Bugs and Wish List
6.  Disclaimer
7.  Copyright
8.  Developer Information


	POE::Component::IRC is a POE (Perl Object Environment) component
which provides a convenient way for POE applications to create a tiny
IRC client session and send and receive IRC events through it. If that
first sentence was a bit too much, go read the POE documentation over
and over until it makes some sense.


The latest stable version of POE::Component::IRC will be available on
CPAN, in the directory /authors/id/FIMM/ . A more complete mirror,
wihch includes recent alpha or beta releases, can be found at
http://www.funkplanet.com/POE/ .


	POE. (Duh. :-)  Specifically, version 0.06_07 or better. It also
requires Carp and Socket, but if you find yourself lacking either of
those, you're in more trouble than we can help with anyways...


	Same as any other Perl module, right? Unpack the tarfile, cd into
the resulting POE-Component-IRC-whatever directory, and do this:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install

	Right now, 'make test' runs a script which pretty much just sits
there and runs forever, looking for parser bugs; don't make test unless
you don't mind sitting and waiting for a really long time. The eventual
plan for the test script is to have it start up two IRC sessions which
talk to each other, CTCP each other, send DCCs to each other, et cetera,
to make sure that everything actually works. For the moment, I'd settle
for even having two-directional DCC support at all. (Right now, you can
send DCCs but not receive them.)

	There's another test program in the distribution called
'dicebot.pl', which is a simple dice-rolling IRC program which I wrote
one day for the hell of it. It's a good example of a simple, complete
bot. Just put it in a channel and say "roll 1d12 + 2" or what have you.
Feel free to use it as a framework for writing your own bot.


	- Needs complete DCC support.
	- Needs a better test script, as described above.

	To report bugs, email the maintainer at dennis@funkplanet.com,
or just bug the hell out of him on irc.rhizomatic.net, channel #tempura.
His nick is "fimmtiu". Be gentle.


	This module is provided "as is". If it makes your computer
explode, your hair fall out, your cat develop rabies, your house burn
down, whatever -- it's not our fault. Period. Ha ha, so there! :-)

	Furthermore, note that this module is still under active
development. The author reserves the right to gratuitously break old
code for the good of the rest of mankind, although it's unlikely that
that sort of thing will happen often.


	The copyright for POE::Component::IRC belongs to Dennis Taylor,
the poor bastard who wrote this thing up in the first place. It's
distributed under the same terms as Perl itself (that is, either the
Artistic License or GPL as you prefer). Please see the license that
came with your Perl distribution for details.


	POE::Component::IRC was conceived and written by Dennis "fimmtiu"
Taylor, with piles of ideas and advice donated by Rocco "dngor"
Caputo, of POE fame, and Kevin "oznoid" Lenzo. Further testing,
support and encouragement were provided by the exceedingly tolerant
members of the EFnet channel #perl, especially including but not
limited to:

	Addi, for testing and bug-hunting
	cherem, for constant motivational needling and prodding
	obvious, for spleen assistance
	stimps, for an excellent chili recipie
	and last but not least, my spleen! ("purl, spleen cheer!")