
  Copyright (c) 2002 Ockham Technology N.V. & Rani Pinchuk. All rights 
  reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
  modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

      ***   THIS IS AN ALPHA CODE   ***
      ***   THIS IS AN ALPHA CODE   ***
      ***   THIS IS AN ALPHA CODE   ***

You have been warned. See also the author notes below.

  Markup languages, like HTML, are difficult to parse. The reason is that
  you can have a line like:

    <font size=+1>H</font>ello <font size=+1>W</font>orld

  How can we find the string "Hello World", in the above line, and replace 
  it by "Hello Universe" (which is a lot deeper)? Or how can we run a speller 
  on the text and replace the mistakes with suggestions for the correct 

  This module come to help you doing exactly that. 

  Actually the module let you first split the text to the parts you are
  interested in and the unwanted parts. For example, all the HTML tags
  can be taken as unwanted parts. 

  Then it let you parse the part you are interested in (while totally
  ignoring the unwanted parts). 

  In the end it let you merge back the unwanted parts with the possibly
  changed parts you were interested in. 


  Follow the standard installation procedure for Perl modules, which is to
  type the following commands:

          perl Makefile.PL
          make test
          make install

  You'll probably need to do the last as root.  


  This is an alpha code. Really. It was written in the end of 2001. It is 
  not yet checked much. The only reason I submit it to CPAN that early is 
  to get feedback about the idea, and hopefully to get some help in finding
  the many bugs that must still be in it.
  In our company we use this code, though, and for _our_ needs it runs well. 

Rani Pinchuk