GMail::Checker - Provides an adaptative interface to manage gmail accounts

Changes :

1.03 2004.11.29 Building a better test file for make test
		Added return values for all functions, to check wether they were successfull or not.
		Added USERNAME and PASSWORD hashes to the class.

1.01 2004.11.28 Initial public release

Description :

This module provides a wrapper that allows you to perform major operations on your gmail account.
You may create a notifier to know about new incoming messages, get information about a specific e-mail,
retrieve your mails using the POP3 via SSL interface.

Requirements :

It requires IO::Socket:SSL, you may get it from Peter Behroozi's repository at CPAN :

To install:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install


You can add a number of tests by modifying the t/use.t file if you have a gmail account.
You will need to setup your username and password, uncomment the test routines and change the number of tests.

Todo : 

- Include charsets conversions support
- Search through mails and headers
- Include mail storing/reading option
- Headers regexp argument for headers retrieval
- Correct bugs ?

License :

Copyright 2004 by Faycal Chraibi. All rights reserved.
This library is a free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.