----------------------- Cstools ----------------------- Tools for dealing with Czech texts in Perl. I will be glad if anybody suggests to make these methods more general, including more languages and/or charsets. Maybe we should put these into the Convert:: namespace? Readme pro distribuci Cstools: V tomto bal�ku jsou moduly, kter� mohou b�t u�ite�n� p�i pr�ci s �esk�mi (a slovensk�mi) texty v Perlu. Modul Cz::Cstocs: Objekt, pomoc� n�ho� je mo�no konvertovat mezi znakov�mi sadami bez nutnosti vn�j��ho programu -- bu� formou objektovou, nebo p��m�mi konverzn�mi funkcemi. Jednou ze znakov�ch sad je i sada tex, tedy nap�. \v{c}. Program cstocs: Tato verze konverz�ho programu cstocs je zalo�ena na v��e uveden�m modulu. Prov�d� p�evody k�dov�n� nad dan�mi soubory nebo nad standardn�m vstupem. Modul Cz::Sort: Implementuje �ty�pr�chodov� �esk� t��d�n�, nez�visl� na pou�it�ch locales. Exportuje funkce czcmp a czsort, kter� pracuj� podobn� jako perlovsk� vestav�n� cmp a sort. Readme file for Cstools distribution: This package includes modules that are usefull when dealing with Czech (and Slovak) texts in Perl. Module Cz::Cstocs: Implements object for various charset encodings, used for the Czech language -- either as objects, or as direct conversion functions. One of the charsets is tex for things like \v{c}. Program cstocs: This version of popular charset reencoding utility uses the above mentioned module to convert text between various charsets. Module Cz::Sort: Sorts according to Czech sorting conventions, regardless on locale setting. Exports functions czcmp and czsort which can be used in similar way as as Perl's internals cmp and sort. Installation: Download the tar.gz, unpack it, change to the Cstools-* directory. Then do perl Makefile.PL make make test make install or you can use CPAN module and just type "install Cz::Cstocs". Ideas, bug reports: Any comments or bug reports concerning this module can be send to my e-mail address. Sending message to clpm is OK but send a copy to me since I might miss your post. Please provide as much information as possible, including version of Perl and this module, and mention "Cstocs" in the Subject -- it will help me solve the problem faster. Available: http://www.fi.muni.cz/~adelton/perl/ and from your favorite CPAN site in the authors/id/JANPAZ/ directory. Copyright: (c) 1997--2002 Jan Pazdziora, adelton@fi.muni.cz. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.