NAME Dash::Leak - Track memory allocation SYNOPSIS Quick summary of what the module does. BEGIN { # enables operation of Dash::Leak, leaksz is a nop without this $ENV{DEBUG_MEM} = 1; } use Dash::Leak; { leaksz "block label"; # some code, that may leak } # If your code leaked, you'll be noticed about change # of process vsize after leaving block leaksz "tests begin"; some_operation($arg); leaksz "some_operation", sub { warn sprintf "We leaked after some_operation($arg) by %+d kilobytes;", shift }; another_operation(); leaksz "another_operation"; # ... use Dash::Leak sub { ... }; # Will call this cb for every alloc, instead of warn EXPORT Export of this module is "virtual", by using Devel::Declare. When $ENV{DEBUG_MEM} is true, it will work, when false, this opcodes will be ignored, like with "leaksz ... if 0"; FUNCTIONS leaksz $label, [$cb->($delta)] Starts tracking current block. If something changed since last note, notice will be warned. If callback is passed, it will be invoked instead of warn. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS * Thanks to knevgen (<>) for linux version patch AUTHOR Mons Anderson, "<mons at>" COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2010 Mons Anderson, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.