SMS::Send::AU::MyVodafone - An SMS::Send driver for the website

      # Get the sender and login
      my $sender = SMS::Send->new('AU::MyVodafone',
            _login    => '04 444 444', # Whitespace is ignored
            _password => 'abcdefg',
      # Send a message to ourself
      my $sent = $sender->send_sms(
            text => 'Messages have a limit of 160 chars',
            to   => '+61 4 444 444',
      # Did it send?
      if ( $sent ) {
            print "Sent test message\n";
      } else {
            print "Test message failed\n";

    SMS::Send::AU::MyVodaphone is an regional SMS::Send driver for Australia
    that delivers messages via the <> website
    Web2TXT feature.

    Using your phone number as a login, and your existing password, this
    driver allows any Australian with a Vodafone to send SMS messages (with
    the message cost added to your account).

  Preparing to Use This Driver
    As well as setting up your account and password, the
    Web2TXT feature requires acceptance of an additional disclaimer and
    conditions of use form.

    You "must" manually accept this disclaimer and conditions before you
    will be able to use this driver.

    While we certainly could make the driver do it for you, acceptance of
    the terms of use implies you understand the cost structure and rules
    surrounding the use of the Web2TXT feature.

    Other than dieing on encountering the terms of use form, no other
    protection is provided, and the authors of this driver take no
    responsibility for any costs accrued on your phone bill by using this

    Using this driver will cost you money. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

      # Create a new sender using this driver
      my $sender = SMS::Send->new(
            _login    => '04 444 444',
            _password => 'abcdefg',

    The "new" constructor takes two parameters, which should be passed
    through from the SMS::Send constructor.

    The params are driver-specific for now, until SMS::Send adds a standard
    set of params for specifying the login and password.

        The "_login" param should be your phone number. That is, the phone
        to send from and to be billed to for the messages.

        The login should be an Australian-format number. That is, starting
        with zero-four "04".

        The "_password" param should be your password.

    During construction, the driver will actively log in to the website using the credentials provided, to verify they
    are correct.

    It will not check for your acceptance of the terms and conditions at
    this point. That is done at "send_sms"-time.

    Returns a new "SMS::Send::AU::MyVodafone" object, or dies on error.

    Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at


    For other issues, contact the author.

    Adam Kennedy <>, <>

    Copyright 2005 Adam Kennedy.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.

    Additionally, you are again reminded that this software comes with no
    warranty of any kind, including but not limited to the implied warranty
    of merchantability.

    ANY use my result in charges on your phone bill, and you should use this
    software with care. The author takes no responsibility for any such
    charges accrued.