Bit::MorseSignals - The MorseSignals protocol.

    Version 0.08

        use Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter;
        use Bit::MorseSignals::Receiver;

        my $deuce = Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter->new;
        my $pants = Bit::MorseSignals::Receiver->new(done => sub { print $_[1], "\n" });

        $deuce->post('HLAGH') for 1 .. 3;
        $pants->push while defined ($_ = $deuce->pop);

    In unidirectionnal communication channels (such as networking or IPC),
    the main issue is often to know the length of the message. Some possible
    solutions are fixed-length messages (which is quite cumbersome) or a
    special ending sequence (but it no longer can appear in the data). This
    module proposes another solution, by using a begin/end signature
    specialized for each message.

    An actual implementation is also provided :

    Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter is a base class for emitters ;
    Bit::MorseSignals::Receiver is a base class for receivers.

    Go to those pages if you just want the stuff done and don't care about
    how it gets there.

    Each byte of the data string is converted into its bits sequence, with
    bits of lowest weight coming first. All those bits sequences are put
    into the same order as the characters occur in the string.

    The header is composed of three bits (lowest weight coming first) :

    - The 2 first ones denote the data type : a value of 0 is used for a
    plain string, 1 for an UTF-8 encoded string, and 2 for a Storable
    object. See also the "CONSTANTS" section ;
    - The third one is reserved. For compatibility reasons, the receiver
    should for now enforce the message data type to plain when this bit is

    The emitter computes then the longuest sequence of successives 0 (say,
    m) and 1 (n) in the concatenation of the header and the data. A
    signature is then chosen :

    - If m > n, we take n+1 times 1 followed by one 0 ;
    - Otherwise, we take m+1 times 0 followed by one 1.

    The signal is then formed by concatenating the signature, the header,
    the data bits and the reversed signature (i.e. the bits of the signature
    in the reverse order).

        a ... a b | t0 t1 r | ... data ... | b a ... a
        signature | header  |     data     | reversed signature

    The receiver knows that the signature has been sent when it has catched
    at least one 0 and one 1. The signal is completely transferred when it
    has received for the first time the whole reversed signature.

    Default for non-references messages. Try to guess if the given scalar is
    an UTF-8 string with "Encode::is_utf8".

    Treats the data as a plain string. No extra mangling in done.

    Treats the data as an UTF-8 string. The string is
    "Encode::encode_utf8"'d in a binary string before sending, and
    "Encode::decode_utf8"'d by the receiver.

    The scalar, array or hash reference given is "Storable::freeze"'d by the
    sender and "Storable::thaw"'d by the receiver.

    The constants "BM_DATA_AUTO", "BM_DATA_PLAIN", "BM_DATA_UTF8" and
    "BM_DATA_STORABLE" are only exported on request, either by specifying
    their names or the ':consts' tag.

    Carp (standard since perl 5), Encode (since perl 5.007003), Storable

    Bit::MorseSignals::Emitter, Bit::MorseSignals::Receiver.

    Vincent Pit, "<perl at>", <>.

    You can contact me by mail or on "" (vincent).

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-bit-morsesignals at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I
    will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
    on your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Bit::MorseSignals

    Tests code coverage report is available at

    Copyright 2008 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.