Apache::AuthenN2 - Authenticate into the NT and NIS+ domains

       AuthName "your nt or nis+ account"
       AuthType Basic
       PerlSetVar NISPlus_Passwd_Table
       PerlSetVar NISPlus_Group_Table
       PerlSetVar NT_Domain domain_name
       PerlSetVar NT_PDC primary_server
       PerlSetVar NT_BDC backup_server
       PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenN2
       require group eng
       require user john larry

    A quick fix to allow two otherwise incompatible populations in
    the enterprise (windows users and unix users) authenticated
    access to restricted applications offered via apache.

    Authenticate to an nt domain; failing that, try a nis+ domain.

    Note that this scheme is quite permissive. Either a valid nt
    username/password, or a valid nis+ username/password will allow
    access. This causes double exposure to poorly selected

    The nt part requires the Authen::Smb module. When Authen::Smb
    supports group authentication, I will add it to this module.

    The nis+ part is pretty lame in that it simply executes
    "/usr/bin/nismatch" with the appropriate arguments. If exposed
    to an unruly user base, that part should be rewritten to gather
    output from an underprivileged child instead of letting the
    shell get involved. An even better answer would probably be to
    hook into Net::NISPlus, but I could not figure out how to do
    that in the few hours I had available.

    valerie at savina dot com (Valerie Delane), based more or less
    on code shamelessly lifted from Doug MacEachern's
    Apache::AuthNIS and Micheal Parkers's Apache::AuthenSMB.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

    mod_perl(3), Apache(3), nismatch(1)