NAME ata - Apache Transfer-log Analyzer. DESCRIPTION ata is the report generator of traffic size and request count. SYNOPSIS ata <OPTIONS> OPTIONS -file < file_name > log file name. -format < regexp > regular expression for parsing log file. -f < field_name > names of the fields a log file. Number of the `()` into regexp must correspond with number of the parameters `-f`. Multiple parameter. -gb < field_name > group by... Fields names for groupping report file records... Any names from parameter `-f`. For example `... -gb req_user -gb method` group by req_user ( /~user_name ) and method ( GET || POST | HEAD ... etc ). Multiple parameter. See examples for more info. -order_by < field_name > order by... Ordering output report records. Any names from parameter `-gb` and two reserved words: 'count' - request count, 'size' - traffic size. Multiple parameter. -txt output report into plain-text format. -help help. -unit < unit_name > unit of traffic ( B, K, M, G - Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte ). -tr_size_fld < field_name > field name ( from parameters `-f` ) for traffic size determination... -show visible work. -dump < log_file_name > dump incorrect log strings to `log_file_name` EXAMPLES log file ( logs ): - - [09/Jun/2002:02:22:18 +0400] "GET /~gosha/path/nidex.html?param HTTP/1.0" 200 1160 - - [09/Jun/2002:12:30:17 +0400] "GET /~gosha/hidden_index.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1704 - - [09/Jun/2002:20:18:28 +0400] "GET /~gosha/info.html HTTP/1.0" 200 2087 - - [13/Jun/2002:10:29:47 +0400] "GET /~gosha/ HTTP/1.0" 200 1160 - - [15/Jun/2002:10:18:21 +0400] "GET /~alex/cgi-bin/view.cgi?id=1 HTTP/1.0" 200 122087 - - [15/Jun/2002:10:19:21 +0400] "GET /~alex/cgi-bin/view.cgi?id=12 HTTP/1.0" 200 3087 command line: ata -file logs -gb req_user -gb date_day -gb lstatus -txt result: Req_user, Date_day, Lstatus Count Size -------------------------------------------------- ------- ---------- gosha,09,200 3 0,004722 M alex,15,200 2 0,119375 M gosha,13,200 1 0,001106 M ------- ---------- 6 0,125203 M command line: ata -file logs -gb req_user -gb req_name -txt result: Req_user, Req_name Count Size -------------------------------------------------- ------- ---------- alex,view.cgi 2 0,119375 M gosha,nidex.html 1 0,001106 M gosha,- 1 0,001106 M gosha,hidden_index.html 1 0,001625 M gosha,info.html 1 0,001990 M ------- ---------- 6 0,125203 M command line: ata -txt -file logs -gb req_user -gb req_ext -order_by req_user -order_by count result: Req_user, Req_ext Count Size -------------------------------------------------- ------- ---------- alex,cgi 2 0.119375 M gosha,- 1 0.001106 M gosha,html 3 0.004722 M ------- ---------- 6 0,125203 M NOTES 'Count' and 'Size' - reserved words, do not use this with parameter `-f`. Percent calculating only for html report format. regexp ( `-format` ) matching next log file format ( by default ): gosha - [15/Jun/2002:10:19:21 +0400] "GET /~alex/cgi-bin/view.cgi?id=12 HTTP/1.0" 200 3087 `-f` contain names of the fields ( for ^^^ this string, by default ): host = login = gosha user = - datetime = 15/Jun/2002:10:19:21 +0400 date = 15/Jun/2002 date_day = 15 date_mon = Jun date_year = 2002 time = 10:19:21 time_hour = 10 time_min = 19 time_sec = 21 method = GET request = /~alex/cgi-bin/view.cgi?id=12 req_user = alex req_path = /cgi-bin req_name = view.cgi req_ext = cgi req_qstring= id=12 proto = HTTP/1.0 lstatus = 200 byte = 3087 any names from first column may be used with parameter `-gb`. AUTHOR Okunev Igor V. ICQ 106183300 OFFICIAL SITE COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004 Okunev Igor This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.