NAME pureproxy - a Pure Perl HTTP proxy server SYNOPSIS pureproxy --host= --port=5000 --workers=10 --server Starlight pureproxy --traffic-log=traffic.log --traffic-log-body-eol='|' pureproxy --access-log=access.log pureproxy --other-plackup-options pureproxy -v http_proxy=http://localhost:5000/ lwp-request https_proxy=http://localhost:5000/ lwp-request DESCRIPTION This is pure-Perl HTTP proxy server which can be run on almost every Perl installation. It supports SSL and TLS if IO::Socket::SSL is installed and IPv6 if IO::Socket::IP is installed. It can be fat-packed and then run with any system with standard Perl interpreter without installing other packages. See examples directory for fat-packed version of PureProxy script. ENVIRONMENT PUREPROXY_SERVER Changes the default PSGI server. This is Thrall for MSWin32 and cygwin and Starlight otherwise. INSTALLATION With cpanm(1) $ cpanm App::PureProxy Directly $ lwp-request | sh or $ curl -kL | sh or $ wget --quiet -O- | sh SEE ALSO BUGS This tool has unstable features and can change in future. AUTHOR Piotr Roszatycki <> LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Piotr Roszatycki <>. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself. See