README for VMS::Mail Copyright (c) 2000 David G. North, CCP <> You may distribute under the terms of the Artistic License, as distributed with Perl. This module supplies a complete interface to callable the VMSMail routines for client-side access. Build and test the extension: $ perl $ mms $ mms test If it tests OK, then install it: $ mms install This is the initial CPAN release. This module is brand new and certainly has bugs. I will be testing it further and will release updates as I repair problems. The purpose of this release is to provide external access to it for peer review. I am very new to the module development process and would welcome any constructive criticism. WHAT'S CHANGED IN THIS RELEASE: 0.05: More bugfixes - first CPAN release, works with Perl 5.6 (0.04 was released with the zipfile containing VMS file attribs - this version repairs that).